Driver Assist

Self Driving

The prime objective of the project is to integrate an Artificially Intelligent system with the vehicle's electronic control unit so that the car can be brought to a stop as soon as the system senses driver fatigue. The application is not only limited to stop signs, but also to traffic signals, speed limit boards and other warning signs. The project uses a webcam along with a pocket sized computer(Raspberry pi) to obtain a real time video feed. It then processes the feed to detect various signs. On detection, the speed of the car is controlled accordingly. First, the system warns the driver, upon no response it overrides the control. The system is connected to Uber cab services to automatically order a cab for the driver, in case of fatigue. The A.I algorithm is embedded into the OpenCV module in the form of haar cascades(XML File). The system is aimed at reducing the number of road accidents which occur due to driver ignorance.

Insides of the Car - Motor Driver and RPi