

Walkity is a new shoe attachable that helps you navigate. It is two-piece wearable which works by using vibrational motors to generate haptic feedback. The generated feedback is used to notify turns and arrivals. Vibration on the left module indicates a left turn and vice versa. When both motors are active it indicates an arrival. A vigorous vibration will notify the user about the wrong path taken. The placement of vibrational motors causes NO tickles, unlike other similar products.

Data transfer between left and right modules takes place using radio frequency waves with the right side connecting to the phone via BLE. We use nRF24L01 as the RF communications module interfaced using an Atmel microcontroller and HM-10 is used for Bluetooth communication with the phone. Walkity also features an SOS button to ensure the safety of the user. Walkity's ergonomics are tailored to cater all aesthetics needs and at the same time provide maximum functionality. Connect your phone

This is how walkity would slip onto your shoe.

Walkity stands out due to it's unique features. The prime feature is the SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) integration. It enables the "Return Home" functionality to work without an active connection with the mobile device. In other words, Walkity temporarily lays breadcrumbs along the route and follows them back to home without needing the help of a smartphone.

Walkity is also equipped with a strong communication channel. It uses cryptographic standards like RSA to lock messages to enforce a defense mechanism against malicious attacks. Apart from the software side, Walkity encloses a ultra-thin and bendable Li-ion cell to provide an extended battery life of two weeks.